Whenever I come back I brace myself. I prepare for that feeling of being underwater, of being unable to breathe. That feeling which inspired this whole project. This time, strangely, that feeling did not come.
This Father's Day, I had a plan.
I had 1000 feet of rope in my backpack and printed booklets of all work. I would go to a few of the locations most important to me and my dad: Roosevelt Island and North 8th Park. I'd create buoys attached to the 1000 feet of rope and attach them to the places described in each booklet. In some way, I believe that in this gesture he is finding these buoys, floating 1000 feet above us in the alternate reality I have created for him. I also fear that this alternate reality is not so distant. That as artists we need to start preparing our work to be waterproof. Disaster-proof. To mark the stories and places most important to us in ways that will outlast us.