Fax the Patriarchy
Fax the Patriarchy
Keeping Time
Keeping Time
Mom Body
Mom Body
Parent Poems
Parent Poems
www.BillthePatriarchy.comOn International Women's Day, Maciesz launched the billthepatriarchy.com website. It enables caregivers to calculate how many hours of unpaid labor they do every year and receive an itemized invoice with their lost wages via email. The average self-reported salary on the quiz is $ 140,000 a year and over 3,000 people logged almost $500,000 million in lost wages.
Fax the Patriarchy
Fax the PatriarchyIn this performance the artist defies the isolation and invisibility of a stay at home mom by publicly demanding pay for her work as a mother. In 2017 she faxed every member of both chambers of congress her time sheets and invoices for her first year of motherhood asking that all unpaid caregivers be seen and valued in policy decisions. Every two week she painted her time sheets and invoices and faxed them.
Keeping Time
Keeping TimeKeeping Time is a collaborative performance between mother and son. The artist keeps track of her newborn son's actions throughout the day with different strokes of her paintbrush. Each line of painting is one hour of time, and is available for purchase at the cost of the Oakland minimum wage of $12.10. 
Mom Body
Mom BodyThis series of watercolor paintings depicts the changing postpartum body of the artist. Created in tandem with a series of Parent Poems, this work explores the overlooked aspects of early parenthood. 
Parent Poems
Parent PoemsThis collection of poems documents pregnancy and early parenthood.  Created in tandem with Mom Body, Keeping Time and Invoice the Patriarchy, these poems articulate the rewards and challenges of parenthood. 
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